FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Our employees of the Greenwich office recently donated Zumba jingle bands and the children’s book “The Busy Body Book – A Kid’s Guide to Fitness, to Family Center’s Fall Literacy and Fitness Program. There are a total of 30 students and their parents in the class the the program combines reading together and learning about health and fitness. Thank you for all you do in our communities!

Important Notice

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Connecticut Community Bank will be participating in the Bridgeport Regional Business Council's Engage and Grow '25 Expo on Thursday March 20th and the Connecticut Small Business Development Center's Small Business Lending Expo on Thursday, March 27th. Click here to learn more!
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