FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Community News and Events

Small Business Expo

Connecticut Community Bank participated in the Connecticut Small Business Development Center’s Small Business Lending Expo! A big thank you to the Bridgeport Regional Business Council for hosting such an engaging event. We spent the afternoon connecting with small business owners, learning about their companies and sharing insights to help them grow.

donation to Burroughs Community Center

Burroughs Community Center

Our Fairfield branch manager, Bill Hanson, recently made a donation to Burroughs Community Center to provide office supplies to their VITA program. This program offers free tax preparation services and prepares Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) applications for low to moderate income individuals and families. Thank you for all you do in our communities!

CT Foodshare volunteers

CT Foodshare

Our InsurBanc division recently helped Connecticut Foodshare sort sort and pack food for local our communities! Thank you for all you do for our communities!

Donation to Darien Human Services

Darien Human Services

Our Darien branch manager, Laurie Griffith recently donated holiday gifts to Darien Human Services. These gifts will be sure to brighten the holidays for families in need.   Darien Human Services provides a wide variety of services, including supportive counseling,  crisis intervention, assistance with mental health, substance abuse and domestic violence issues.   Thank you for all you do for our communities!

Bank volunteers at the Pacific House Shelter

Pacific House

Our Stamford Bank and Trust employees, Lina Rodriguez and Keren Aguiriano recently showed their dedication to our community by sponsoring and serving dinner Pacific House Shelter. Pacific House serves the community with the mission of preventing and ending homelessness. Thank you for all you do.

Barbara's House Turkey Donation

Barbara’s House

Jenniffer Yan, Greenwich Bank and Trust Riverside branch manager and David Moore, Director of Government Guaranteed Lending were pleased to donate 85 turkeys to Barbara’s House in Greenwich. Each year, with the help of volunteers of all ages, Barbara’s House prepares special Thanksgiving meals for over 100 families.  This year, Connecticut Community Bank proudly contributed 85 turkeys to help provide a delicious Thanksgiving dinner to those in need in our community. 

Assisting with the delivery of the turkeys were Fred Camillo, Town of Greenwich First Selectman and Gabby Rattner, Barbara’s House Executive Director.

Barbara’s House is a social service agency dedicated to building skills that empower clients to overcome educational, social, and economic barriers so that they can reach their full potential. Thank you for all you do in our communities!

Building One Community photo

Building One Community

Our Stamford Bank and Trust manger, Lina Rodriguez, was thrilled to contribute to Building One Community’s Holiday Toy Wish List event! Lina’s delivery is sure to brighten the holidays for many young girls and boys! Located in Stamford, Building One Community’s mission is to advance the successful integration of immigrants and their families. Thank you for all you do in our communities.

Homes With Hope donation

Homes With Hope

Our Westport branch was happy to help fill the food pantry shelves for the holidays at Homes with Hope.  Homes with Hope provides emergency shelter for men and women, supportive housing for individuals and families, rapid re-housing, diversion services, a community kitchen, food pantry, youth development and mentoring. Thank you for all you do in our communities!

Diaper donation to neighbor to neighbor

Neighbor to Neighbor

Our Greenwich Bank and Trust managers, Carrie Bundock and Jenniffer Yan were happy to donate a large supply of diapers to Neighbor to Neighbor in Greenwich. Neighbor to Neighbor strengthens the community by providing access to nutritious food, clothing and other essentials in an atmosphere of kindness and respect. Thank you for all you do in our communities!

Connecticut Beardsley Zoo Gala

Beardsley Zoo

Connecticut Community Bank was pleased to attend the Connecticut Beardsley Zoo’s Annual Gala! This event raises money to support the Zoo and their many offerings in our community. If you have the opportunity, you should visit this hidden gem in Bridgeport!
Enjoying the festivities are employees Dave Moore and Craig McCleod (Beardsley Zoo Board Member).

Important Notice

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